Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart

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Am reusit sa intru pe zilele astea si inafara de topicurile despre football manager 2009 am gasit si ceva videoclipuri misto in sectiunea de muzica. Pe acolo Dasca si Marius sunt destul de activi, astfel incat mai vad si eu cate un video interesant.

Pentru azi:

How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me
It’s like a book elegantly bound,
but in a language that you can’t read just yet
You gotta spend some time love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you’ll find love, I will possess your heart
You gotta spend some time love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you’ll find love, I will possess your heart

There are days when outside your window,
I see my reflection as I slowly pass
And I long for this mirrored perspective,
when we’ll be lovers, lovers at last
You gotta spend some time love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you’ll find love, I will possess your heart
You gotta spend some time love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you’ll find love, I will possess your heart

Yep, si melodia si video sunt nice 🙂

3 thoughts on “Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart

  1. Ovi

    E minunata.

    Recomand si “Your New Twin Sized Bed”, care e cea mai noua a lor, “Title and Registration” si “Someday You Will Be Loved”

  2. Mihai Jepan

    Mai Ovi nu te stiam cunoscator de domeniu! Merci fain de recomandari !

  3. biju

    e super

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